Friday 21 June 2013

How to Help Your Child Overcome Shyness

Parenting:a shy child covering her face- Effective ways of correcting shyness in children
                                     Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The consequences of shyness in children can stretch as far as weighing down on their performance in school. Most adults were actually shy at a tender age, and so, shyness isn’t in any way strange. Shyness prevails against some children at the early stage of their life while others find it difficult to wrestle themselves off it claws even at a ripe age. Parents must understand that shyness is quite capable of subjecting children to questionable isolation as well as crippling their social life in a terrible manner. Shyness must not be allowed to co-exist with a child.

Most kids usually have the urge to participate in activities with other kids, but, the firm grip of fear usually ensures that they are constantly impeded. Some of them communicates well at home but dread relating with strangers; some even dread moving around unaccompanied. It’s solely your responsibility to help your kids overcome shyness and the following are helpful tips you can employ.

    1. Boost your child’s morale 
A child whose morale is well boosted is a force anytime any day, he constantly sees himself as someone who is equal to any task just because his parent told him so. He’s brave, happy and intimidating; he believes so much in his ability and appearance as well. At the other end, a child whose parent keeps referring to another child as being superior to him, feels terrible about himself, he may even bow to the notion that he’s worthless just because his parent said so.

Boosting your child’s morale is extremely essential. Align him with the clarity that he’s not inferior to anybody. Bestow profound affection on him as well as ensuring he’s as exposed as other children. Lacking what other kids have is, ofcoures, a major promoter of poor self esteem - ensure he doesn't lack the basic necessities of life. Encourage him in an overwhelming manner so he can comfortably build his confidence. He’ll certainly need a good amount of attention, in this regard; you are expected to shower him with the needed attention so he can be free to share his problems with you.

  Read Also: Parental Responsibilities: Your Duties as Parent
    2. Accord him the liberty to wrestle with his fears
A toy, quite ugly at sight, was placed before two children; one was so terrified and stood there crying profusely while the other laid a firm grip on it though with fear. The crying child’s mother was asked to allow him cry while we observe. When it dawned on him that no one was interested in helping him in that situation, he stopped crying while watching in amazement, the other child playing with the toy. Fascinated by what he saw, he smiled and stretched to grab the very toy he dreaded.

Holding your child to yourself whenever he cries over any little thing out of fear is a way of encouraging him to keep being shy. The more he cries over scary situation without a present help, the more he’ll learn to wrestle his way out. Each time a child wrestles his way out of a terrible situation, he gets a step bolder than before. All he needs is the freedom to wrestle.

3. Don’t ridicule him

The most important thing your child needs in order to overcome shyness is your cooperation. He may not overcome shyness if you constantly ridicule him with regard to what he’s going through. Ridiculing him before strangers will only compound his misery. When strangers complain before your shy child that he hardly interact with people, instead of agreeing with them, inform them that he prefers observing strangers before communicating with them. This can go a long way in soaring your child’s confidence.

4. Furnish him socially

Teach him what to say to strangers instead of chewing his nails. Encourage him to always extend a hand shake to strangers as well as telling them his name first, before inquiring of theirs with smiles on his face. You can even rehearse with him at home. As his confidence improves, try new ways of boosting his social ego. The next time you go shopping, ensure you go with him. Pretend to be busy, give him a list of things to pick while you observe. Possibly, let him undertake the entire transaction while you supervise.

 Read Also: How to Guide Your Children Through Tough Times

Frankly, helping your child overcome shyness can be very tasking though possible. Endeavor to be patient with him throughout the period of his transformation.


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