
I’m Nsa Effiom - a passionate writer, astute thinker, observer and entrepreneur. I pride in furnishing parents around the world with fantastic parenting tips that will enable them raise their children the right way. Children aren’t only precious gift from God, they constitute also, undisputed hope regarding the future of every sane nation, and so, failing to culture them in a way that will impede the prevalence of unpleasant realities, will certainly be disastrous.

 I wish to champion the emergence of a certain generation whose ambition is laced with respect for law and order; a generation that will concentrate on promoting the very essence of humanity; a generation that will permanently frown at concepts that may spring with the sole aim of sidelining generally accepted standards. I hope to achieve these by providing reliable parenting tips for parents around the world.

So far, i’ve shielded with fantastic precision, innumerable children and parents against disastrous mistakes that would have led to heart wrenching realities. Children who were previously viewed with the lens of undisputed failure are currently on a sure path to success - owing to fantastic tips i’ve, over the years been churning out. As always, i’ll be making available, in a sustained manner, terrific tips that will stretch as far as minimizing the rigors of parenting across the globe. As you may know, this constitutes my forte.

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