
  • Thoughtful orientation is imperative if your children must survive the harsh climate of life.

  •  If children must exude positive virtues, parents are expected to make themselves a reliable example.

  • You can effortlessly nurture to grandeur, a child that was previously viewed with the lens of failure, only if you can customarily exude the virtue of patience.

  •  Injustice is, of course, a major promoter of parental favoritism, and it’s crucial to note that it hardly spares families and yours may not be an exception.
  • The difference between parents whose offspring constitutes a strong source of pride to the world and parents who raise children who constitutes a threat to life and property, rests squarely on the strategies they employed.

  • Quite like the foundations of notable architectural wonders across the globe, the foundation you lay with regards to your children must align well with generally accepted standards, if they must soar with the stars.

  • Stop living in dreams regarding the kind of children you wish you had, rather, concentrate on raising the very type of children you crave.

  •  Prudence, courage, temperance, and justice, constitutes the most important virtues your children must exude.

  • Your quest for successful parenting will certainly hit the rocks if you extend to your children, the liberty to cultivate degrading attitudes that are in conflict with generally accepted standards.
  • The consequences of making fool of a certain child owing to the success of his sibling, includes, though not limited to sibling rivalry. It spared not other families and yours won’t be an exception.

  • Your stance regarding your children today is a core determinant of your experiences later in life.

  • Acquaintance with his true identity is crucial if a child must successfully swim against the tide of social degradation.

  • Acquaintance with his true identity is crucial if a child must successfully swim against the tide of social degradation.

  • A child who understands who he is can hardly flaunt certain degrading behaviors owing to his knowledge regarding the conflict between such behaviors and his true identity.

  • A child who understands who he is can hardly flaunt certain degrading behaviors owing to his knowledge regarding the conflict between such behaviors and his true identity.

  •   Prudence, courage, temperance and justice, constitutes the most important virtues you must exude in order to earn your children’s respect.

  • Parents who fails to provide the basic needs of their children, unconsciously shrinks their children’s regard for them.

  •  A good knowledge of his true identity can stretch as far as instigating a child’s refusal to cultivate ties with questionable actions that are capable of putting a large question sign on his reputation and, of course, that of his family.

  •  In order to be more successful than anyone else, they'll be required to work harder than anyone else, this you must drum into your children's ears.

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