Tuesday 9 July 2013

Parental Favoritism – The Heart Wrenching Realities You Should Expect

Parental Favoritism – The Consequences Involved
                                            Image courtesy of Photostock/FreeDigitalPhotos.net


The consequences of parental favoritism can stretch as far as threatening the very foundation of your family. It left other families where they didn't envisage and yours may not be an exception. If you fall into the category of parents who prides in lifting a particular child at the expense of another, the consequences will certainly be dire. A stitch in time saves nine. Children are precious gifts from God, given to you on trust, and so, there’s no wisdom behind the concept of promoting some, while ruining the rest.
Parental favoritism is an evil whose forte includes, though, not limited to robbing beautiful families of peace and unity – and it's solely your responsibility to ensure it lacks a place in your family. Most children will stretch to any length in a bid to shield themselves from perceived marginalization that springs especially from their family, and this alone is quite capable of instigating unpleasant realities. A blunt refusal to shun the idea of promoting a particular child at the expense of his siblings will certainly instigate these:

     1. Sibling rivalry

Sibling rivalry will certainly spring as a result of a conscious resolve to favor a particular child at the expense of his sibling. This will not only instigate hatred and disintegration in your family, it will certainly stretch as far as aligning your children with the concept of harboring evil thoughts against each other. This reality tore other families to shreds and yours may not be an exception.

Read Also: Anger: Utterances That Will Destroy the Future of Your Child

     2. Avoidable destruction of the favored child 

As a direct result of always complying with his demands with little or no question, the favored child will be grossly disconnected from the idea of discipline in a long run, thereby becoming a total nuisance to the family and society at large. This may manifest either when you are no more, or crippled by a terrible financial injury. It’s an established fact that most individuals across the globe who currently constitute a strong source of shame to where they come from, falls into the category of children who were unnecessarily favored in order to spite others. History is a vast early warning system. 

Anderson Ekpe, a real estate expert and, of course, the eldest among his siblings, was written off by his father quite like most parents. When he couldn't withstand the relegation and constant humiliations meted on him, he quietly decided to reside with a friend while giving life a shot. Inspired by a strong desire to alter his situation, he gave himself a good education and ended up a total opposite of his late father’s forecast, while his younger brother [the favored son] whose future was projected in the light of undisputed success is cooling off in jail somewhere in south east Asia as a result of his involvement in the business of cocaine.

3. Lasting prejudice

The consequences of favoring a particular child at the expense of his sibling can degenerated to lasting prejudice you never envisaged. The other child who means nothing to you deems your actions a threat to his future and, of course, everything about him and the chief promoter of this threat is no one else but you. He doesn’t only comprehend that his enemy is within, he’s quite conscious of the fact that you are quite capable of diverting any good thing that’s meant for him.

Sadly, his memory regarding you will always be swathed with persistent hatred. Who knows? He may tell his kids about what he went through, and even entreat them to be wary of you [his parent], their uncle [his favored sibling], and even their cousins [children of his favored sibling]. Evading the very mistake that tore other families to shreds will be so thoughtful of you.

4. Heart wrenching experiences

 As a result of the partiality you've been promoting, your last days may witness a full blown war among your children and the sight of it will certainly break your heart. Let’s fast forward to your last days. Certain things couldn't happen when they were much younger owing to your influence. You were always there to roar like a lion in a bid to scare him (your aggrieved son), he could only bear grudges without the guts to express his displeasure, but now he’s grown and your influence upon him has faded.

Your presence now lacks the usual ability to intimidate him owing to the fact that you've been stripped of the immunity you've been enjoying over the years.
He’s totally free from your influence and he deems it a good time to put you where you rightly belong. Your favored son, now armed with the confidence he has earned over the years owing to your support, considers himself equal to the task, hence, a full blown war sparked by avoidable misunderstanding.

Owing to your frailness at this juncture, withstanding the prevailing situation becomes difficult while you watch with regrets, your children battling it out among themselves with caution thrown to the wind. Note that quite unlike before, your aggrieved son won’t be scared of you anymore, he’ll say what he’s been willing to say to you face to face and the sky won’t fall. The weight of all these may trigger severe health issues that's capable of seeing you through a traumatic death and you’ll have yourself to blame.

 Read Also: Rewarding Ways of Contending with Your Child’s Anger

Frankly, your actions today constitutes core determinant of your experiences in future. You’ll lose nothing by bestowing equal affection and opportunities on your children. Take a stand against parental favoritism and preach same to other parents.


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