Thursday 30 May 2013

How to Guide Your Children Through Tough Times

 Parenting: How to Guide Your Children Through Tough Times 

Tough times don’t last but tough parents do. You aren’t too frail to withstand the storms of the modern world, and this, you must always remind yourself. Guiding your children through tough times will assuredly be tasking, but it’s something you can certainly deal with. It’s quite normal for children to be threatened by unprecedented changes like tainted family situations, death of a family member and starting school. 

Their little minds deem these threats serious and it's solely your responsibility to cautiously guide them through. Despite what your family may be going through, i’m quite certain of the fact that none of the negative experiences will break a bone in your children without your consent.

  Here are reliable ways you can guide your children through tough times.

1. Handle situations laudably

Your usual approach regarding negative situations constitutes core determinant of how your children will cope with difficult situations later in life. Owing to the nervousness they observe in their parent, children usually find it difficult to swim through difficult situations. They are very good at interpreting the countenance of their parent; this is why it's advisable to always handle difficult situations laudably in order to shield your kids from the heat of the consequences.

As adults, the way we view changes is quite different from children. To them, nothing is wrong, except your expression speaks otherwise. When need for adjustment springs, work quietly on your fears and ensure your kids are grossly sidelined, but, should it be too obvious, acquainting them with the clarity that there exists in them the ability to deal with the prevailing situation is certainly the greatest help you’ll extend. Tough times are inevitable, we should always expect them. If negative situations are impeccably handled, it can leave your kids even stronger and better than they were.
 Read Also: Anxiety: Proven Ways of Helping Your Child Out

    2. Show strength in difficult times

Helen Williams, (a banker and single parent) unexpectedly lost her job and the consequences brought her face to face with life’s relegation. In view of her sad situation, she spent most of her time mourning - Jane; her little daughter swiftly observed the changes in her mother’s countenance and the resultant effect isn’t a thing anyone will wish a kid. You happen to be your child’s primary source of strength; she’s looking up to you for everything. She’ll be up when you are up, and down when you’ll be down.

You are expected to always show strength in the face of very difficult situations even when you lack knowledge about what to do. Worrying profusely over prevailing negative circumstances has never and will never change anything. Whenever you find yourself in a situation that’s in conflict with your desire, endeavor to spend your precious time exploring fantastic ways of fixing the situation instead of mourning relentlessly. The idea of crying over spilled milk has never, and will never fix any problem. Avoid the mistake of incorporating your kids into harsh realities by appearing weak at tough times, show strength and they’ll grow up strong.

3. Discuss propose change with your child

Discussing with your child in advance, a change that is about to occur, will be more helpful than having him taken unawares. Changes in life is inevitable, so, if you can’t afford the cost of renewing your rent as a result of a decline in your income, find a way of discussing with your kids about the propose move to affordable house.  Also, starting school can pose a very formidable threat to your kid, owing to this; you are expected to strangle his fears by acquainting him with the fact that he’ll be fine. 

Children don’t really have problems with certain changes except in situations where their fears are fueled. Avoid habitually, the concept of keeping your eyes off his fears. Truth is, despite his fears regarding any situation; positive words of clarity from you will effortlessly get him off the claws of fears. Instead of nursing fears about starting school, he’ll rather be excited just because Mom or Dad said school will be fun. Discussing with your child in advance, a change that’s about to spring is, ofcourse, one of the best ways of guiding him through tough times.

4. Ensure the basic necessities are in place

A child who is surrounded by the primary needs of life can easily be blinded over prevailing changes. Nonetheless, a child who is sustainably disconnected from the basic necessities of life can be lured by circumstances to start pondering over a lot of things and the consequences may be dire. Ensuring that your child is comfortable is surely one of the best ways to prepare him for change. Parents who fail to provide the basic needs of their children are most guilty of coercing them to the negative path of life.

Provisions here must not end with material things alone, teach him what he ought to know or someone else will do it for you.  A badly cultured child is nothing else but a time bomb, he’ll eventually blow up. It’s imperative that you make your child a top priority if you don’t crave heart wrenching realities. Even the entire process of parenting will be characterized by stiff resistance if the basic necessities of life aren’t in place.

5. Flaunt your experience

At times, prevailing change may spring from losing a family member, in view of this, negative reactions from you may have enormous bang on your child. Usually, children finds it difficult to navigate their way through terrible situations like death of a family member, but your experience here can be of tremendous help. Owing to their immaturity, kids are hardly disturbed about certain changes at the initial stage, what fuels their worry is the countenance of their parents.

The older ones are usually the worst hit in the sense that they have the ability to understand the situation and its consequences. Instead of watching them wallow in fear, it will be more sensible to find a way of diverting their thoughts with fascinating news, maybe, something they’ve been hoping to hear or experience. Frankly, having your children share in your fears can be quite devastating. Don’t tell them what their little minds wouldn't carry. It’s okay discussing with a matured child, but be very selective about what you discuss here. 
 Read Also: Your Main Duties as Parent 

Guiding your children through tough times will assuredly be tasking, but you must comprehend that it’s part of your indebtedness regarding them, do it for their sake and they’ll grow up strong.


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