1 How to Raise a Virtuous Child | PARENTING ADVICE

Friday 3 May 2013

How to Raise a Virtuous Child

Rewarding ways of raising a child
                                        Image courtesy of Dynamite imagery/FreePhotos.net

Raising a virtuous child will assuredly be overwhelmingly tasking. You must be ready to practice what you preach if you must successfully raise a child who’ll reside permanently at opposite lane with despicable standards. It’s essential to understand that what you’ll be teaching him as well as what he’ll be observing about you, will constitute his behavioral pattern later in life.

It's, of course, an established fact that the world is currently littered with individuals who consciously abhor alignment with generally accepted standards, and so, accusing fingers should be directed to parents across the globe and them alone. Quite unlike parents who are most guilty of raising children who constitutes a threat to life and property, you can successfully raise a virtuous child.

  Here are the required steps:

1. Entrench clear expectations 

Clear expectations must precede your parenting exercise, and you are expected to be the model here if your desire must see the light of day. Undoubtedly, cultures vary, and so, depending on the provisions of your culture, it’s advisable for both parents to reach a consensus regarding their expected parental goal. Furnishing the consensus with clearly stated prospects like education, religion, attitude and looks, will inspire concentration in the parenting process.

Once a well furnished consensus is reached, endeavor to present it clearly to the child both in words and action. It will be more rewarding if you’ll be thoughtful enough to practice what you preach. Instructing your child to shun the concept of exuding despicable virtues while you habitually exude same will certainly be counterproductive. Iron can only be sharpened by Iron, so, in order to sharpen your child properly, constituting a reliable iron is to say the least, imperative.
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  2. Flaunt uncommon patience

It takes parents who’ve painstakingly aligned themselves with the concept of patience to raise a virtuous child. At times, children can be astonishingly mutinous; but this shouldn't take you by surprise. You must be prepared for torrential negative attitudes if you really hope to connect your child to the highest strata of nobility.  The negative behavior of your child may stretch as far as tempting the other side of you to spring - should this happen, you must resist the temptation of conveying negative words or even putting up actions that will inspire regrets much later.

Avoid crossing the boundary in the name of anger, instead, always guide situations back in control. Impeccable self control will help you accomplish your parenting goal. May be unknown to you too, words that springs from the mouth of parents against their children can be very potent. I’m quite certain of the fact that generations have so far been successfully ruined owing to the strong words spoken by parents in the heat of anger, but i’m sure there were other effective ways of matching their children’s mutiny with a befitting punishment.

Most individuals who constitute a strong source of pride to their nations, and, ofcourse, the world today, where, to put it mildly, the worst form of defiant kids, but it took uncommon patience flaunted by their parents to connect them from where they were to where they are. Trying to raise a virtuous child in the absence of patience can be likened to trying to swim without water. It has never, and will never work.

3. Make yourself a reliable example

Your behavior must align with what you preach. Instructing your child to behave responsibly while you behave in ways that pins a large question sign on your reputation will certainly be counterproductive. Your child will assuredly be watching you, and so, making yourself a laudable example is extremely crucial. As always, a child is usually influenced by the actions of his parent, so, even without being told, he’ll know when he’s off track just because his action is in conflict with the standards of his parent.

You must be very careful about the things you do in the presence of your child. Your speech, actions and lifestyle must align strictly with what you preach. Take it from me; you are the strongest source of your child’s influence, and this you must always remind yourself. There’s a saying that lion begets lion, but i’ve witnessed at sundry times, sons and daughters of a true lion resuming the status of a sheep just because certain stones were left unturned. You are expected to be smart enough to evade the very mistake other parents made if you don’t want your children to end up like theirs.

4. Show appreciation

Appreciation is quite capable of blinding a child against the idea of flaunting fierce resistance while trying to mold him. It’s certainly one of the most vital things parents must do in order to entice a child who demonstrates overwhelming cooperation. Like moth to flames, appreciation can draw your child closer to you and consequently cause him to trust you more. Appreciation prides not only in promoting a child’s self esteem, there rests in it, a terrific ability to stretch as far as instigating gross willingness to do well in other endeavors.

Having been acquainted with the potency of appreciation, it’s important to be very careful about the way you go about it in order to avoid the danger of over appreciating your child or not appreciating him as much as you should. Your child may cultivate with time, strong reasons to withhold confidence regarding you if you don’t praise him when you should, especially when he gets such praises elsewhere.

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In due course, such a child may tend to develop feelings of rejection and lack of support for his endeavors. Invariably, over praising him may consequently blind him against the concept of hard work and concentration. You are expected to strike a balance while praising a child in order to evade the mistake of spoiling him. Effective appreciation of your child’s positive behavior should stretch as far as demonstrating it to his admiration.

This can be done by getting him gifts he deems precious. As a quick follow up, engage him in discussions regarding the areas you’ll want him to improve. These will not only clarify your support regarding him, it will also communicate your demands sincerely.

Frankly, raising a virtuous child is undoubtedly a serious job; it can be overwhelmingly rewarding in a long run, but endeavor to practice what you preach

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