Monday 9 January 2017

6 Crucial Virtues Parents Must Exude

6 Crucial Virtues Parents Must Exude
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Virtue constitutes laudable attitudes, sustained positive preference and, of course, extensive modification of habits that regulates our actions in line with our beliefs. It’s an established fact that parents constitute a primary source of their children’s influence, and so, they grow up exuding first, the virtues flaunted by their parents.

If children must exude positive virtues, parents are expected to make themselves a reliable example. Instructing your children to behave in a certain way while you constantly flaunt degrading behaviors that puts a large question sign on your reputation, will be counterproductive, so, leading by example is imperative.

Here are 6 crucial virtues parents must exude:

       1.   Discipline

This implies a conscious resolve to display positive behaviors only. A child who grows up to see his parent exuding certain behaviors is likely to emulate without a second thought, in this regard, you (parents) are expected to exhibit laudable behaviors with terrific ability to influence your children positively. There's, ofcoures, a considerable latitude within the confines of your ability to lead by example, and this, you are expected to comprehend.

Nonetheless, most young people are looking up to you for inspiration, and so, indisciplines  flaunted by you will not only be emulated by them, they may stretch as far as infecting  the mentality of others with a contagion that’s capable of ruining a generation. You (parents) are expected to exude laudable discipline even in the face of obvious temptations. Discipline is certainly one of the virtues that’s required of you.

Read also: 8 Dangerous Mistakes Parents Must Avoid

       2.   Prudence

Your ability to make wise decisions denotes prudence. Understandably, certain situations can be as tempting as luring you to opt for dishonorable alternatives, but, you must be prudent enough to stick to decisions that will not dim your family's confidence. There rests in prudence, remarkable ability to shield a family against negative occurrences that prides in obstructing peace. It’s a virtue every parent must exude.

       3.   Courage

Responding bravely to unpleasant situations instead of running for cover is what i deem courage. Negative situations are inevitable, and so, you are expected to boost the morale of your children by habitually matching prevailing negative circumstances with uncommon courage that lacks regards for fear.

Parents fall into two categories, those who’ve successfully made themselves a threat to difficult situations and those who’ve consciously subscribed to permanent slavery that’s inspired by difficult situations. Where do you belong? You are expected to exude habitual courage even when you lack knowledge of how to deal with a negative circumstance. It’s however imperative to understand that negative circumstances wouldn’t break a bone in you without your consent.

      4.   Patience

Remanding patience at the back seat will be counterproductive if sustained progress is what you crave. It’s essential to comprehend that patience is quite capable of revealing opportunities you never envisaged. Nonetheless, you can effortlessly nurture to grandeur, a child that was previously viewed with the lens of failure, only if you can customarily exude the virtue of patience.

Even legendary game changers like Abraham Lincoln (44th president of the United States), and Henry Ford (American industrialist and Founder, Ford motor company), who successfully stemmed the tide, rode on the back of patience and it didn’t fail them. Endeavor to exude the virtue of patience.
Read also: 5 Impeccable Keys to Successful Parenting

       5.   Justice

This implies a fair application of judgment without any form of partiality. As always, partiality constitutes a major promoter of segregation, prejudice and hatred in families. It’s been responsible for the chaos that’s been springing effortlessly in most families owing to parent’s failure to subscribe to the concept of fairness.

Injustice is, of course, a major promoter of parental favoritism, and it’s crucial to note that it hardly spares families and yours may not be an exception. The prevalence of chaos will be sustainably impeded in your family if you'll be thoughtful enough to exude the virtue of justice.

       6.   Temperance

This denotes an individual’s ability to rule over his appetite. A man who lacks control over his appetite is likely to find himself at the sidelines of life. As parent, exuding the virtue of temperance is extremely crucial owing to the fact that you constitute a major source of your children's influence. Addiction and self destruction constitutes unrepentant associates with terrific ability to make anyone a clear opposite of himself, but if smartly engaged, temperance can stretch as far as providing the required shield.

Frankly, exuding these virtues is imperative if you must raise responsible children. Ensure they learn from you or the world will teach them what you’ll abhor.


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