1 Essential Orientation Parents Must Give Their Children | PARENTING ADVICE

Saturday 7 January 2017

Essential Orientation Parents Must Give Their Children

Parenting Advice
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Parenting is by all standards, a serious job, and so, essential orientation is imperative if your children must survive the harsh climate of life. The future has in store, packages that falls into two categories (good and bad), but, your children may not comprehend these, owing to their inexperience - in this regard, it’s your responsibility to arm them with essential orientation that will bestow on them, the fortitude to sail through the sea of life.

You can count on these tips:

      1.   Acquaint them with their true identity

It takes a child who lack knowledge of his true identity to embrace lifestyles and behaviors that constitute a shame to his root.  A good knowledge of his true identity can stretch as far as instigating a child’s refusal to cultivate ties with questionable actions that are capable of putting a large question sign on his reputation and, of course, that of his family.

Your children must be made to understand that they aren’t inferior to anyone anytime anywhere. Should they experience failure in the course of trying to navigate their way through life, encourage them to shun the idea of quitting because failure is a major prerequisite for success. This will not only save them lots of trouble, it will stretch as far as shielding them against life's relegation. The only thing special about people who achieve mastery is their decision to stay committed, and this, you must drum into your children's ears.

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      2.   Acquaint them with the consequences of irresponsible lifestyle

They should be swiftly made to understand that the difference between those individuals serving jail terms in maximum prisons around the world and those leading the pack in corporate entities and governments of various countries, lies squarely on the lifestyle they embraced. Tell them in clear terms, that certain lifestyles has the ability to extinct their chances of succeeding in life. 

Frankly, your indebtedness to your children include, though, not limited to telling them crucial truths they need to know. Laying things bay will put them off the claws of misery. Mark my words, you'll be deemed a major source of their misery later in life if you fail to acquaint them with the raw truth they need to know today.

      3.   Acquaint them with the fact that the world is watching them

It’s solely your responsibility to align your children with the clarity that the world is watching them. They must be made to understand that times will certainly spring when their chances of being accepted anywhere will rest squarely on people’s perception regarding them. Help them understand that, at a point in life, their name will constitute a valid collateral if they’ll maintain a reputable lifestyle that’s void of a question sign.

It’s an established fact that certain names, even in this era of gross distrust, are door openers - to say the least. Your children may not be conscious of the fact the world is keeping an eye on them, so, it’s your responsibility to tell them.

      4.   Acquaint them with the fact that their future will be defined by the choices they’ll make.

Quite like a host of others who came before them, your children must be made to understand that the choices they’ll make in the course of their sojourn on earth will definitely be used to define them, and so, their choices must align with how they’ll like to be seen or addressed. Understandably, positive choices will certainly be discouraging, but, once they are made, a flight to the realm of grandeur becomes inevitable.

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      5.   Acquaint them with the fact that hard work is the shortest route to success

Education and talent alone, lacks the fortitude to instigate success, but, a blend of these two, and hard work can effortlessly inspire historic success. In order to be more successful than anyone else, they'll be required to work harder than anyone else, this, you must also drum into your children's ear.

They must be made to comprehend that success doesn’t fall from the sky; rather, it’s usually achieved through a stern resolve to succeed. Legendary game changers, who successfully swam against the tide, did so with the help of hard work, so, working hard is extremely crucial if they must soar with the stars.

Bluntly, evading life’s turbulence will certainly be difficult if a child isn’t painstakingly immersed in this orientation. As parents, it’s solely your responsibility to teach them what they must know or the world will teach them heart wrenching lessons.

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