1 8 Dangerous Mistakes Parents Must Avoid | PARENTING ADVICE

Sunday 8 January 2017

8 Dangerous Mistakes Parents Must Avoid

8 Dangerous Mistakes Parents Must Avoid
                                 Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Parental mistakes are quite capable of constituting a clog in the wheel of a child’s excellence, and this, parents must swiftly comprehend. It's an established fact that most of the problems families across the globe have over the years been experiencing were, perhaps, unintentionally instigated by parents. You (parent) aren't as right as you've been claiming. 

With sustained prevalence of certain dangerous mistakes, parents are likely to ruin the future of a child who was supposed to exist at the highest strata of success, so, if the sight of him screaming in pains will break your heart, staying sustainably at opposite lane with certain mistakes is imperative. Mark my words, peace will be sustainably far from you, should your child discover someday, a correlation between you and his misery.

You’ll be grossly guilty of extreme parental ineptitude if you fail to impede the prevalence of these mistakes:

       1.   Not being at opposite lane with your children’s unhealthy requests

There's no wisdom behind the concept of granting your children certain requests that are capable of crippling them in a long run. If you fall into the category of parents who tries to win their children's heart by granting them certain request with terrific ability to break in sunder, ties between them and decency, mark my words, times will certainly spring when you'll be mercilessly fed with humiliation owing to the actions of the same children. 

You are their parent, not their partner in crime, and this, you must always remind yourself. It's, ofcoures, your responsibility to ensure that formidable barricades are erected between your children and lifestyles that will eventually instigate torrential consequences. Who knows? The consequences of certain freedom may even stretch as far as coercing them to a pit of permanent misery. Extending to your children, the freedom of doing things in ways that are clearly in conflict with generally accepted standards isn’t love; it’s, in fact, the height of parental ineptitude. 
Read also: Essential Orientations Parents Must Give Their Children

      2.   Blunt refusal to celebrate your children’s efforts

Frankly, we all walk the same path of “mastery” and, as always, that path is laced with failure, setback and sometimes years of wandering. If for personal reasons, you deem the concept of celebrating the efforts of your children unnecessary even if the said efforts are justifiably below your expectations, a positive shift will certainly set wheels in motion.

You are expected to be conscious of the clarity that gradual disconnection may occur if your children’s efforts to resume a reputable status in life is habitually acknowledged and celebrated by others except you. Rome wasn't built in a day, so, your expectations will certainly be met if you'll be lenient enough to acknowledge and even celebrate their little efforts. They'll eventually shine like a million stars if you'll embrace the need to be patient with them.

      3.   Habitual justification of your child’s negative behaviors

Giving your child a passionate pat on his back with regard to behaviors that are clearly in conflict with generally accepted standards, is another way of luring him into life’s merciless snare. You may be deemed a fantastic Mom or Dad today owing to the sufficient liberty you've so far been extending, but, you'll be humiliated by the same child, later in life - for sparing him the truth.

You are naturally saddled with the responsibility of shielding his life against heart wrenching realities, and for this reason, you are expected to scold him whenever he puts up negative behaviours instead of giving him a pat on his back. Take a stern stance against unruly behaviors if your child must be wrestled off the claws of heart wrenching consequences in a long run. Be stern enough to call a spade “a spade”.

       4.   Making a fool out of your child owing to the success of his sibling

Most notable game changers across the globe were prominent prisoners of failure at a point in their sojourn on earth. Ranging from the experiences of Abraham Lincoln (16th President of the United States of America) to Henry Ford (American industrialist and founder, Ford motors), history has proved beyond reasonable doubts that profuse and questionable failure is no doubt, a prominent sign of a looming historic success, and so, the difference between a child who’ve achieved immediate success and a child who'll eventually resume the status of grandeur, is time.

Parents must understand that the consequences of making a fool out 1112of a certain child owing to the success of his sibling, includes, though not limited to sibling rivalry. It spared not other families and yours won’t be an exception.

       5.   Failure to deem your children a top priority

The latter years of your life may experience a strain you never envisaged, if you fail to deem your children a top priority today. You’ll certainly need to lean on people later in life when your strength will be too frail to be trusted, and yours may be a sad story if for any reason, you fail to furnish your children with the resources that will bestow on them the fortitude to shoulder your weight later in life. Your stance regarding them today, is a core determinant of your experiences later in life.

       6.   Failure to acquaint your children with their true identity

Failure to acquaint your children with their true identity and, of course, other vital truths they must comprehend in order to strengthen their defense walls, may expose them to humiliating jeopardy they didn’t expect. Acquaintance with his true identity is crucial if a child must successfully swim against the tide of social degradation. Nonetheless, a child who understands who he is can hardly flaunt degrading behaviors owing to his knowledge regarding the conflict between such behaviors and his true identity.

       7.   Ridiculing your children for flimsy reasons

Your responsibility regarding your children doesn’t in any way include putting holes on the fabric of their dignity. Bluntly, you constitute your children’s primary source of strength especially in trying times, and so, behaving otherwise will certainly shave loyalty off your children’s relationship with you.

Failure, and times when the whole world will seem to be crumbling in your children’s eyes alone are inevitable, we’ve all been there. When these times spring, you are expected to show up in ways that will help them swim against the tide instead of ridiculing them owing to the negative situations they are experiencing. Tough times don’t last, but, tough parents do.

       8.   Ridiculing people with regard to the success of your child

The primary essence of your child’s success is to raise a standard against failure and social degradation, and so, taking advantage of it as a weapon of war against friends and relatives will consequently expose your child to dangers he didn’t envisage.

If your child isn’t lucky enough, the consequences of this practice can even stretch as far as remanding him at the sidelines of life as a result of vast enemies your actions has instigated. You are expected to be thoughtful enough to shield your children by excluding them from your squabbles with friends and relatives.

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