1 Your Main Duties as Parent | PARENTING ADVICE

Friday 31 January 2014

Your Main Duties as Parent


Parents and their children
                                        Image courtesy of photostock/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Your duties as parent exceeds providing your child’s basic needs, they stretch as far as refining him even to the extent of constituting a reliable template to generations unborn. Understandably, raising a child who’ll reside sustainably at opposite lane with despicable traits can be quite tasking, albeit, a noble responsibility. The consequences of your actions, choices, and lifestyle today will assuredly influence the future of your child – owing to this, sustained ties with discipline and ofcourse, other important virtues is expected of you as parent.
The difference between a well cultured child, and a child who’s obviously a threat to life and property, lies squarely on the roles played by their parents. Frankly, the worst wickedness you’ll unconsciously perpetrate on your children will be nothing else than failing to teach them quite on time, what they ought to know. This parental ineptitude has the ability to inspire deadly concepts ranging from poor and deadly choices to despicable lifestyle and addictions, but these can be neatly nipped in the bud, if you are conscious of your main duties as parent.
Here are your main duties as parent:

1. Ensuring your children are raised in an ideal environment

It’s crucial to ensure that your children are raised in an environment that will not expose them to standards that will eventually burst their chances of resuming a noble status in life. Certain environments aren’t in any way suitable for kids. It’s unwise to have your kids raised in environments where lawlessness is deemed a way of life because they may easily be fascinated by the prevailing trend and consequently leap in. It’s solely your responsibility to ensure your kids are raised in an environment that will not influence them negatively

   2. Seeing to it that your children are academically furnished

Education is undoubtedly one of the necessities you owe your children. A child who is not educated isn’t in any way prepared for the future. In order to resume a dignified status in future, your child needs not just education, but, an ideal one that’s quite capable of helping him swim against the tide. Sending your child to school isn’t enough, you must make yourself a part of everything regarding his education, if the wheels of his academic excellence must roll. 

He’ll be telling you sundry stories about his academic rhythm, but you are expected to be as smart as not depending on what you’ve been hearing. Be wise enough to entrench a correlation with his teachers in order to properly monitor everything about his education.  Above all, ensure the core prerequisites regarding his education are in place and on time. 

     3. Helping them build a rich self esteem

Children with low self esteem habitually experience difficulties in measuring up with their mates. To them, other kids are certainly superior. They don’t even waste their time contesting with their mates; rather, they consciously bow to the notion that they are actually inferior. At a point, a child who is suffering from low self esteem may even embrace the idea of taking hard drugs just to ensure his morale is boosted in order to withstand life’s challenges.  You’ll be guilty of extreme parental ineptitude if you fail to cultivate alignment between your child and a rich self esteem.

Acquainting him repeatedly with the clarity that he’s quite capable of soaring with the stars, is one way you can help. Ridiculing your child for any reason will be counterproductive - ensure you don’t make the very mistake other parents made. Boost his morale by making it sustainably clear to him that he's not inferior to anyone. Help him build confidence by always praising him. Lacking what other kids have is a major promoter of low self esteem; ensure your kids don’t lack the basic necessities of life. 

     4. Having them properly immersed in the pool of discipline

Your children are your representatives anytime, anywhere, so, it‘s extremely important to have them immersed in a pool of discipline in order to impede the possibility of staining the name of your family by dragging it on the mud. The behaviors of your children will either bring shame or honor to you depending on how you play your role. Don’t spare the rod; ensure they are habitually exposed to consequences that befit their offenses. Drill them consistently and they’ll at a point have no other option than embracing discipline as a way of life.

5. Instilling laudable morals in them

Despite the prevalence of moral erosion in this modern world, they exists well cultured children with intrinsic morals - thanks to their parents. It’s your responsibility to have your children exposed to laudable morals like respect, honesty, soft spot for others, patience, humility, and above all, the fear of God. Preaching morals to your kids while you flaunt behaviours that pins a large question sign on your reputation will be counterproductive. Endeavor to practice what you preach.

      6. Ensuring that the basic necessities are put in place

A child who lacks the basic necessities of life can effortlessly get off track, in this regard, you are expected to ensure that your child doesn’t lack the basic things he’s entitled to. I’m quite certain of the fact that the absence of basic necessities of life can cheaply lure your child into the hands of questionable individuals who are well capable of providing what he’s been lacking as a condition to have him feature in deadly ventures that will surely put his life at risk.

I deem your child the clay, and you, the potter; it will be so thoughtful of you to mold him in such a way that will add value to humanity.

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