1 Proven Ways of Getting Your Child Off The Claws of Anxiety | PARENTING ADVICE

Thursday 20 February 2014

Proven Ways of Getting Your Child Off The Claws of Anxiety

Parenting:a child suffering from anxiety- Helping Your Child Overcome Anxiety
                                       Image courtesy of stockimages/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Anxiety in children is inevitable especially in their developmental stages. What fuels their anxiety includes, though, not limited to scary images and tales as well as unfamiliar people - but later in life, these fears take another dimension inform of social expectations, starting school, divorce, change of environment, frustrating occurrences like death of a member of the family and, of course, a decline in the family’s standard of living. 

Parents must understand that anxiety constitutes a major threat to children, and so, it must be well handled in order to impede it from leaving regrettable scars on them. Common pointers to the clarity that your child is suffering from anxiety include faint appetite, lack of concentration, restlessness and constant fear over nothing. The consequences of anxiety in children can be as severe as robbing them the privilege of living a normal life, but the good news is; it’s something you [parent] can comfortably handle.

Here are proven ways you can help:

1. Don’t take complains lightly 

It’s extremely important to respond swiftly to your child’s complain because you may not know how long he’s been contending with a negative situation unaided. Children’s transformational stages are usually laced with trials that may mean nothing to you, but a lot to them. Quite often, a child depends on what his parent thinks of his anxiety; he’ll cease to be scared if you employ effective ways of diffusing his fears. Ensure you are always there to abort his fears while he cultivates the fortitude to fight for himself. 

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   2. Align him with the concept of positive thinking

In order to wrestle your child off the claws of anxiety, ensuring alignment between him and the concept of positive thinking is highly crucial. Negative thoughts happens to be a strong source of his anxiety, and this, you must comprehend. You are expected to furnish his understanding with the very fact that his feelings are inspired strictly by his thinking pattern. Encourage him to uphold the culture of always having beautiful thoughts about himself. Just by introducing your child to the concept of positive thinking, you’ll effortlessly get him off the claws anxiety.
   3. Entrench engaging standards

The absence of engaging standards at home has a way of compounding the misery of a child who is suffering from anxiety. In order to obstruct this, you are expected to put in place, standards that are quite capable of engaging your child’s mind in order to impede the liberty of nursing negative thoughts that prides in instigating anxiety. Tight itinerary can magically impede the possibility of swimming sustainably in anxiety. Engagement here ranges from domestic chores, play time, siesta to discussion with Dad and Mom. Note that the concept behind the introduction of engaging standards is to impede idleness.
4. Make yourself a clear example

You happen to be your child’s greatest and most direct influence. Your response to unfamiliar occurrences will likely be copied by your child. Come what might, you must be very brave in the face of terrible situations for the sake of your child. You can’t live a life of fear while hoping to raise a strong child that’s capable of confronting difficult situations. He’s looking up to you in order to overcome his anxiety, so, it’s imperative to demonstrate habitually, your ability to crush his fears when opportunities presents themselves.

   5. Motivate him to confront his fears

Bluntly, you can’t spend the rest of your life shielding your child from being invaded by anxiety, rather, encouraging him to fight back will certainly be more rewarding. It’s certainly a concept that wouldn’t be welcomed by your child, but, you can have him battle it bit by bit. Use his first victory against his fears to motivate him; boost his morale by making it clear to him that he’s well capable of handling his fears. The more you boost his morale against anxiety, the less fearful he’ll be. 

Reasonably, helping your child overcome anxiety can at a point be extremely tasking, but, the challenges aren’t in any way insurmountable.

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