Thursday 24 March 2016

6 Crucial Virtues That will Fuel Your Child’s Ambition

 6 Crucial Virtues That will Fuel Your Child’s Ambition
                                         Image courtesy of sattva/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Ambition alone has over the years failed to take people to where they yearn to be, but a blend of it and a host of other rewarding virtues has been responsible for the accomplishments of most successful individuals. Reasonably, these virtues don’t fall from the sky; they spring habitually from a stark resolve to be successful. There exist in every child, the inclination to be ambitious and the following virtues are quite capable of fueling his ambition.

   1. Raw determination

Determination is by all standards, a prominent virtue with impeccable ability to orchestrate an individual’s transformation from nothing to glory. Parents must comprehend that a child who’s lured by circumstances or moral suasion to develop raw determination is capable of becoming whatever he craves in life. Moral suasion and exposure to life changing events are certainly the best ways of inspiring a child to develop raw determination.

Ambition without raw determination can be likened to swimming without water.  A child who craves to resume a certain status in life may end up bursting his chances if he fails to generate alignment between ambition and determination. Quite like a moving train, raw determination can effortlessly crush the most formidable impediment in a bid to make way for ambition. 

   2. Tenacity 

A stern refusal to retreat when situation gets tough is what i deem tenacity. It constitutes also, the guts to hold on even when you can’t find any light at the end of the tunnel. 
Tenacity has been partially responsible for the success of most historic individuals ranging from Henry Ford (American industrialist and founder, Ford motor company) to Abraham Lincoln (16th President of the United States) - tough individuals who sternly refused to give up even in the face of prevailing obvious reasons to quit. Quite like these historic individuals, tenacity can fuel your child’s ambition. Encourage him to be customarily  tenacious even in the face of prevailing negative situations.

   3. Courage

Courage is responsible for the wide space existing between highly successful individuals and others, historic individuals who came before us had a rich reserve of it and it served them pretty well. It takes a courageous individual to think as wild as aiming for the sky, instead of a tree. Courage is undoubtedly, a trusted wing with terrific ability to fly a child’s ambition to his desired destination, and so, having your child properly immersed in the pool of courage is factually one of the best things you’ll do to incline his statues in life. Encourage him to resist habitually, the temptation of retreating when the going gets tough if he must accomplish anything big. Perseverance is the best predictor of success, and this, you must sustainably drum into his ears.

  4. Hard work

Education, social connections and talent all put together, lacks the fortitude to match hard work’s potential to help an individual soar impressively in life. In fact, the absence of hard work can instigate the failure of the most talented individual. I’ve witnessed it on countless occasions. Embracing the culture of hard work is highly crucial if your child must survive the turbulence that’s associated with the flight to the top. Take it from me, hard work can single handedly take him to where he craves to be.

There's  ofcourse, a correlation between a man's effectiveness and his intelligence, his imagination, or his knowledge. Intelligence, imagination and knowledge are essential resources, but only effectiveness converts them to result. In order to achieve his dreams, your child's genius will certainly be tasked without mercy, and this you must acquaint him. 

As always, successful creators habitually engage in an ongoing dialogue with their work, they don't only put what's in their head on paper long before it's fully formed, they also watch and listen to what they've recorded - brooding over them until the right idea emerges. Encourage your child to always wrestle with his ideas, he must dissect, combine, add, subtract, turn them upside down and shake them.

  5. The habit of reading

It takes a walking man to stumble on something, so, a child who cultivates a rich habit of reading will definitely have his ambition fueled. The gains of reading will certainly vary owing to the verity that most children read for entertainment. The ambition of a child who reads for knowledge will certainly be fueled quite unlike folks who read for entertainment. Encourage your child to cultivate the habit of always reading for knowledge instead of entertainment. Habits die hard.
    6. Focus

Of all the enemies of confusion, focus is most sublime. It prides in keeping confusion and a host of other nuisance permanently at bay. Focus is however a notable factor with proven ability to fuel anyone’s ambition. A focused individual is an organized individual. The ambition of a child who has been trained by his parent to always remain focused can hardly be vulnerable to life’s turbulence. He understands how humiliating the consequences of losing focus can be, so, he sticks to the concept of always staying focus.

5 Factors That Will Certainly Ruin Your Child’s Ambition

5 Factors That Will Ruin Your Child’s Ambition
                                        Image courtesy of nenetus/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Certain unfriendly factors can effortlessly nip a child’s ambition in the bud if left unchecked. It’s an established fact that most adults who are obvious opposite of what they should have been, are undisputed victims of certain avoidable factors we hardly take into consideration. 

Even the highly successful individuals the world is currently celebrating, came face to face with some of these factors at their formative years, but the intervention of their parent, guardian, and of course, a kind hearted adult made all the difference. Parents must be conscious of the fact that a child’s ambition is certainly vulnerable and can be ruined by the following factors:

    1. Unhealthy criticism

As always, parents constitute a first class influence in the life of their children and there rests the foundation of whatever they’ll become later in life. A child whose parent reiterates that he lacks what it takes to become what he wishes to be in life may trust the words of his parent and consequently give up on his ambition. 

Conversely, a child whose parent repeatedly acquaints him with the fact that he’s quite capable of becoming anything he wishes to become, cultivates trust regarding his ability to soar impressively in life. Pointing sustainably to ridiculous reasons why your child will not get to the top is certainly the cheapest way to ruin his ambition.

    Read Also: 6 Crucial Virtues That Will Fuel Your Child’s Ambition

   2. Mid – way turbulence

This implies disguised difficulties a child may experience on his flight to the top. They include, though, not limited to fluctuations in his expectations, failure, intimidation, rejection, stagnation, and relegation. It’s a prominent phase that’s responsible for the reason why supposed successful individuals are gross opposite of what they should have been.

In order to pierce through this phase unhurt, the experience of a seasoned parent must be employed. You are expected to keep an eye on these phase as well as ensuring that your children are given a safe flight with the help of your experience.

    3. Excessive confidence

Being confident isn’t out of place, but excessive confidence can cheaply blind an ambitious child against hard work and consequently impel him to a pit of devastating failure. It has dealt decisively with most confident individuals and sadly, most of them couldn’t survive. 

Excessive confidence is one ancient snare parents should draw their children’s attention to, because it hardly spares it prey. Pride goes before a fall, so, despite the depth of a child’s prowess, if he flaunts excessive confidence, failure can comfortably prevail and consequently ruin his ambition.

    4. Crooked friends

Bluntly, a child who’s surrounded by friends with questionable attitude is doomed in advance. Your child’s friends fall into the category of first class influencers who can effortlessly lure him to act in certain ways that may constitute a clog in the wheel of his ambition. Naturally, children’s ability to resist temptation is quite poor; this is why parents must keep an eye on the type of friends their children are keeping. 

    5. Impatience 
We are certainly in an era where patience is constantly thrown to the wind; an era where children want to get to the top overnight, disregarding standard procedure and hard work. When it comes to ruining people’s ambition, impatience is a force to watch. 

As always, impatient prides in pushing ambitious individuals into making avoidable mistakes that are capable of bursting their chances of succeeding. As parent, it's solely your responsibility to acquaint your children with the tragic disaster that’s associated with impatience.


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