1 Smart Ways of Raising a Child with No Ambition | PARENTING ADVICE

Thursday 24 March 2016

Smart Ways of Raising a Child with No Ambition

Smart Ways of Raising a Child with No Ambition
                                  Image courtesy of Rosen Georgiev/FreeDigitalPhotos.net                      

Children with no ambition aren’t the worst set of children anyone can have, if smartly raised, they can be far more successful than children whose future is viewed in the light of undisputed success. Taking note of this is highly important. It isn’t strange that most individuals who are leading the pack in their chosen career today weren’t anything to write home about before now; they weren’t even listed among children who’ll raise the standard of their family to the moon, yet, most parents have grossly refused to take a leaf from the past.  

If you fall into the category of parents who’ve been ridiculing a particular child for whatever reason, ceasing to behave this way is highly crucial because the future of that child will certainly rubbish your notion regarding him or her and you’ll be impelled to bury your face in shame. You have a lot to gain from raising a successful child, so, it will be honourable to evade the mistake of failing to be a part of his or her success story.

Raising a child with no ambition is quite possible and the procedure is as simple as these:

      1.  Don’t ridicule her

The consequences of ridiculing a child with no ambition includes, though, not limited to prejudice, gradual disconnection and avoidable hatred which can metamorphose to a lifelong irreparable strain. Avoid it at all cost. Instead of ridiculing her, find your way to her heart by pampering her as well as watching your words regarding her no matter how angry you are as a result of her actions. Choose your words wisely. 

Becoming her best friend is certainly the smartest way of having her succumbed to the process of molding her. Instead of ridiculing her, cultivating a rich relationship with her will be more rewarding. Remember, it takes a trusted friend to invade a friend’s inner world without any casualty. She’ll lose guard and consequently succumb to the molding process if you can enrich your relationship with her.

 2. Don’t compare her with her sibling

The concept of comparing a child with no ambition with a child whose future is deemed successful in advance, may be counterproductive. Naturally, children hold the words of their parent with extreme trust, so, if you keep referring to her sibling as being better than her, she may eventually subscribe to that notion and consequently break ties with the idea of ever trying to become anything in life. As a rule, don’t compare her with her sibling.

Factually, comparing a child sustainably with her successful sibling can weaken your chances of having her yield to the process of molding her; it may even stretch as far as sabotaging her trust regarding you. Instead of comparing her with her sibling, help her understand that she can be twice as successful as her siblings, and of course, other thriving folks. Concentrate on boosting her morale.
       3.  Talk to her

Talking to her will yield amazing results if you'll successfully cultivate a rich relationship with her. With these, a child will cheaply be lured into seeing you as someone who is not against her; perhaps, a team mate who craves her success. When this happens, molding her to what you want her to be will be likened to a stroll in the park, and such a child wouldn’t mind doing all that is required to succeed all in a bid to impress you at all cost. Tell her all she needs to comprehend and don’t fail to acquaint her with what will befall her if she fails to be successful. Just lay things bare.

      4.  Provide the necessary assistance

Spiritual, physical and moral assistance will certainly be required, and you are expected to make them available. Ensure she doesn’t lack the basic necessities of life, but moderation is essential here in order to evade the temptation of spoiling her. Make available, reading materials that will help fine-tune her mentality as well as enabling environment that will help her thrive. Monitor in disguise, her academic rhythm and of course, perceived difficulties and nip them in the bud

Nonetheless, establish a rich relationship with her teacher in order to perfectly monitor her in school. Ensure you don’t make the mistake other parents made by excluding God in the process of molding their children. Perhaps unknown to most parents, God is the one and only impeccable police with terrific ability to arrest, detain, and even transform a defiant child to the admiration of his or her parent. 

Most responsible adults around the world whose shoulders, young people are currently standing in order to have a clear view of the future, are prisoners of God (possibly, unknown to them). An extensive observation regarding some of them will reveal the fact that they would have been a dangerous threat to world peace if they weren’t arrested by God. God is the only unchangeable changer, take your child to him, if not, the world will take her to despicable destinations.  
      5.   Motivate her 

Motivation is without doubt, one of the most potent ways of raising a child with no ambition. Most accomplished individuals today were impelled by sight, events, and of course, the success of others to cultivate laudable ambition which eventually bestowed on them, the fortitude to soar to grandeur. Take your child to where she can see things for herself so she can effortlessly have a clear understanding of what you’ve been telling her. 

     The concept of motivation inspired impeccably, other kids who had no ambition and they ended up very successful in their chosen path. It worked for other parents and i’m quite certain of the clarity that it will definitely work for you.

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