1 Your Ambitious Child: The Price He’ll Certainly Pay | PARENTING ADVICE

Thursday 24 March 2016

Your Ambitious Child: The Price He’ll Certainly Pay

Your Ambitious Child: The Price He’ll Definitely Pay
                                           Image courtesy of potowizard/FreeDigitalPhotos.net 

The possibility of becoming anything he craves in life isn’t in doubt, but the required price your child will pay may constitute a rude impediment in a long run. Ambition is a journey that’s characterized by a blend of heart wrenching and exciting moments. The long and sleepless nights, busy days, missed lunch and neglected relationships constitutes the other side of it.

That ambition is costly, is an undisputed truth every successful individual will confirm, but the beautiful thing about it is when an individual decides to pay the required price, he consciously set himself up for a lifelong fulfillment. A good knowledge of what he’s likely to experience in the course of trying to actualize his dream is highly imperative, so, you (parent) are expected to acquaint him with all he ought to understand.

These constitute the price your ambitious child will certainly pay:

    1. Failure

People hardly experience all round success in life. Quite often, success in one department of an individual’s life habitually triggers failure in another - your child must be properly acquainted with this. One of the core determinants of the price of ambition is the size and weight of an individual’s goal, if your child is planning to get to the top of his career, failure will certainly prevail against other areas of his life.

      Read Also: 5 Factors That Will Ruin Your Child’s Ambition

It takes a walking man to stumble on something, so, while trying to find his way to where he really wants to be in life, failure will certainly cross his path at sundry times. This has nothing to do with his inability to do things right, it’s an inevitable phase of everyone’s journey to the top. Encourage him to always concentrate on fixing prevailing negative circumstances instead of exhausting his precious time complaining or looking for who to blame. Failure will assuredly prevail at a point.

   2. Loneliness

On his flight to the top, he’ll at a point experience loneliness. Align him with the fact that he’ll be disappointed and even rejected by the very people he hopes to lean in order to achieve balance, and this will expose him to the type of loneliness he never envisaged. It’s an inevitable price every ambitious individual must pay.

Don't only warn him against the concept of retreating when the going gets tough; implore him to always match on with incredible focus because at a point, his path and of course, that of individuals who’ll help him get to where he wants to be will certainly cross. 

  3. Hard work

Hard work will certainly be required if he must achieve his goals in life. There’s no short cut to success, drum it persistently to his ears that he’ll have to work his eyes out. Acquaint him with the verity that he’ll have to wake early and sleep late perhaps against his wish if he must connect himself from where he is to where he craves to be.

Hard work is a sure price every ambitious individual must pay. No matter how talented or connected an individual may be, relegation will certainly catch up with him, if he fails to work as hard as he should. I know the price of success: dedication, hardwork and unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen - Frank Lloyd Wright.

  4. Time 

In order to achieve his goals in life, your child must align himself with the need to invest the required amount of time. His ambition will not see the light of day if he fails to accord it a sufficient time. Keeping an eye on time is really essential while trying to achieve his goals in life. He (your child) must comprehend that time can be as rude as being up against him if he takes it for granted. 

Reasonably, his ambition may at a point, sip his entire time, and when this happen, he must be conscious of the clarity that time is an inevitable price every ambitious individual must pay.

 Read Also: Smart Ways of Raising a Child with No Ambition

  5. Patience 

Natural turbulence will certainly obstruct his flight to the top, but this shouldn’t constitute a reason to retreat. Times will assuredly spring when his best efforts will yield in conflict with his desire; prevailing negative circumstances will even stretch as far as shrinking his chances, in this regard, you are expected cultivate quite on time, alignment between your child and the virtue of patience. It’s ofcoures, a price every ambitious individual must pay.

Of all the neutralizers of circumstances, patience is most sublime, and so, if your child falls into the category of impatient individuals, a swift change is required if his ambition must see the light of day. A stitch in time saves nine.

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