1 How to Ensure Your Child’s Academic Success | PARENTING ADVICE

Thursday 20 February 2014

How to Ensure Your Child’s Academic Success

 Parenting:A child experiencing academic difficulties- Helping your kids succeed academically

                              Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Your child's academic success will certainly be impossible without your help. Owing to the fact you constitute a core determinant of his success, torrential failure will spring the very minute you distance yourself from his academic pursuit. As always, children's  academic interest slides at a point owing to unchecked carelessness and the consequences here include, though, not limited to preference for unrewarding ventures instead of education.

Understandably, it can be humiliating to see a child who's been doing great in school, failing suddenly or losing interest in education, but, it's however essential to note that in the face of this unpleasant reality, there exists certain ways you can neatly entrench a profound reconciliation between your child and education as well as helping him succeed.

Here are effective ways you can ensure his academic success:

1. Exercise uncommon patience 

One of the key promoters of your child’s success both in education and, ofcourse,  other endeavors, is your patience. Patience is crucial in the sense that, during the trying times of your child’s academic pursuit, he’ll need someone he can comfortably lean on; a trusted individual who'll sustainably whisper to him that despite what he’s going through, he’ll eventually mount with wings like eagle

Quite like children, times do spring when adults become a shadow of ourselves owing to life's raging turbulence - we all know how essential, patience regarding us can  be at such times. Endeavor to be patient with your child when difficult times in his academic pursuit spring, don’t label him a failure, rather, be as smart as evading the temptation of ridiculing him in any way. Stand faithfully by him.

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2. Get involved
Don’t depend on what your child is telling you about his education, ensure you are at the fore front of everything. Establish a reliable link with his teachers so you can easily track his performance in school. When you observe that your child’s performance in school isn’t as good as it used to be, jump in swiftly and put up probing questions regarding the prevailing situation. Excavate properly in order to know the source of his weakness so his teacher’s attention can quickly be drawn.  

Nonetheless, try as hard as possible to ensure other conveniences are made available in order to inspire his interest in education. The consequences of losing guard will certainly be unpleasant, in this regard, the concept of being sustainably involved  will, as always, nip unpleasant realities in the bud.

3. Provide a study friendly environment

Certain environments aren’t suitable enough for studies. You are expected to provide an environment that’s capable of encouraging alignment between your child and his books. Noise and other actions that are well capable of contesting your child’s attention must be sternly impeded. Rapt attention during study times must be encouraged; no child should be allowed to constitute any form of nuisance to a child who's busy with his books.Instructions should cover rapt attention during study times; no child should be allowed to constitute any form of nuisance to a child who is busy with his books.

Again, get involved in order to be sure that your child actually understood what he studied by going through his work as well as asking questions. Nonetheless, be as fair as extending enticing benefits like conferring on him additional play time. The reason here is to encourage subsequent cooperation.  A study friendly environment is higly imperative if a child must successfully connect himself to the highest strata of academic excellence.

4. Maintain a healthy relationship with your child

The most reliable way of instigating your child's cooperation which is very vital in your quest to help him succeed academically, is maintaining a healthy relationship with him. The absence of a healthy relationship with your child can inspire the idea of hiding vital informations from you - and this alone is capable of instigating the prevalence of unpleasant realities. Don't only cultivate a splendid relationship with him, ensure also, that your relationship with him is most importantly furnished with uncommon assurance.

It’s extremely important to lure him into an overwhelming relationship with you in order to checkmate him. Truth is, if he’s not opening up to you, he’s actually opening up to someone else - so, who knows the kind of advice he’s been receiving? A splendid relationship with your children will not only reveal quite on time, their weaknesses, it will also afford the privilege of fixing them swiftly.

5. Discuss his future with him. 

It’s very essential to let your child understand where you are trying to take him to, and even more important to ensure he’s comfortable with the trip. The aim here is to discourage any form of resistance. Discuss your child’s future with him and of course,  his expected role. He must be acquainted with the verity that a good education is inevitably vital, he must be made to understand also, that when you beseech him to study hard, you aren’t trying to make things difficult for him, rather, you are helping him secure in advance, a great future. 

It’s quite essential to cultivate alignment between your child and the future you are leading him to, and even more essential to ensure he's comfortable with the trip. The main aim here is to discourage any form of resistance. Discuss your child's future with him and, ofcourse, the roles that are required of him.  He must not only be acquainted with the verity that a good education is inevitably vital, he must also be made to understand that when you beseech him to study hard, you aren't trying to make things difficult for him.  
It's also imperative to reveal to him in advance, how unbearable the future will assuredlybe in the absence of an ideal education and, of course, the relegation that’s habitually associated with failure to attend college.There rests in education, uncommon ability to create chances where none seemed available, it can even furnish anyone with the fortitude to connect himself from where he is to wherever he craves to be, and this, your child must comprehend.

 Read Also: Anger: Utterances That Will Destroy the Future of Your Child

Frankly, academic excellence will be permanently at opposite lane with your child if you fail to do the needful. I'm quite certain of the fact that your efforts won't be in vain if you ensure that no stone is left unturned.

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