1 Anger: Utterances That Will Destroy the Future of your Child | PARENTING ADVICE

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Anger: Utterances That Will Destroy the Future of your Child

Parenting: Parent uttering negative words
                                    Image courtesy of imagerymajestic/FreeDigitalPhotos.net


One careless utterance made with a broken heart can ruin the future of your child and even defeat the very essence of investing your hard earn resources, time and energy in a bid to furnish his life. Inspired by the heat of provocation, parents usually exceed parental lines by uttering negative words that are capable of destroying the future of their children later in life.

Reasonably, watching a child you labored rigorously to ensure his or her life isn’t a mess, rain insult on you before your very face can be extremely humiliating. But, it's extremely essential to understand that certain acts of anger may enjoy a level of justification but quite unhealthy in the real sense. Understandably, children can be awfully mutinous, but, it’s unwise to destroy their future in the name of anger.

  Here are utterances that will effortlessly destroy your child’s future:

  1. Your children shall do same to you

Certainly, this type of statement doesn’t spring in response to a child’s positive behavior, it springs habitually in response to behaviours that are certainly in conflict with generally accepted standards, but, i wish to acquaint you (parents) with these facts:

  • Like it or not, the child in question and his children will represent your future and they’ll always be recognized as your offspring.

  •  While other grandparents will be remembered for great strides, you’ll be remembered as someone who destroyed the future of your offspring.
  • Will these perfectly represent the legacy you are hoping to leave behind? Will you be proud of being remembered as a great grand parent who knew nothing about endurance; or may be someone who consciously ruined his family with his own hands?
Frankly, you can’t get it right by going against tested and trusted standards prescribed by the Bible. A well cultured child who was raised based on the prescribed standards of the Bible can’t inflict pains on his parent even in the face of justifiable reasons. You are expected to take responsibility of your actions if you fall into the category of parents who made the mistake of sparing the rod - thereby spoiling the child.

Nonetheless, if your child’s action is fueled by external negative influences (which can’t be left out), as a reputable fellow hired by God on trust to oversee the grooming of that child, you are expected to employ other effective ways of punishing him with regards to his negative actions. Speaking negative words upon his life isn't the only way to punish him, and this you must comprehend.

 Read Also: Parental Favoritism – The Heart Wrenching Realities You Should Expect
  2. I cause the works of your fingers
This implies first and foremost, destroying the works of your own fingers. Nurturing him to a matured age coupled with good health; good education; shelter and a host of other extreme benevolences is obviously the works of your own fingers which you must first destroy before stretching for  his own. Your tongue is furnished with enormous power that’s quite capable of destroying the future of your children, and so, you must be very wary of it. You are supposed to be your child’s prime promoter, so, i see no wisdom behind the concept of destroying him owing to any reason.

Endurance and forgiveness constitutes also, your indebtedness to him. Employ other ways of punishing your children, not with words that are capable of subjecting their future to unbearable misery which will also break your heart in a long run. Despite how you look at it, being a parent can at times be humiliating, it’s such a sorrowful and inevitable status we must all resume at a point in life. It will be rewarding if you'll be thoughtful enough to ignore your child’s disrespectful attitudes and, rather, concentrate on molding him, who knows? He may even come to his senses someday.

 3. Woe betide you

It will betide him, but, will it be okay by you when you see the status of other people’s children inclining while that of your child will be constantly declining? Will the sight of your suffering child impress you for any reason? You shouldn’t say that to him in the name of anger. It's imperative to swiftly align yourself with the clarity that your responsibility regarding him excludes entirely, the concept of coercing him to extinction.

Destructive words that spring from the mouth of parents can be very potent; they aren't only capable of subjecting the future of a promising child to shambles; they are equally capable of coercing a child into permanent misery and even cripple generations forever. You'll certainly be guilty of extreme parental ineptitude if you bluntly fail to break ties with the concept of lashing your children with your tongue.
Read Also: Effective Ways of Helping Your Kids Succeed Academically

If you've for any reason made negative utterances you shouldn’t have made regarding your child, kindly reverse them swiftly even in the absence of his apology.  

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