1 Healthy Ways of Altering Lying Habit in Children | PARENTING ADVICE

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Healthy Ways of Altering Lying Habit in Children

Parenting:Parent scolding his child- Lying Habit in children
                                     Image courtesy of David Castillo dominici/FreeDigitaPhotos.net

Altering the habit of lying in children can be very tasking; you’ll need a lot of patience in order to succeed. It’s pertinent to understand that lying constitutes a part of children’s developmental process, and so, it fades as maturity springs. Children lie for several reasons, one of which is to escape the consequences of their action, but the worst of all, are children who lies sustainably over little things that wouldn’t even inspire consequences. 

In order to alter the habit of lying, it’s advisable to take into consideration the age of the lying child as well as the circumstances surrounding his reason. The frequency of his lies must also be observed in order to know if he’s a chronic liar or not. Be it as it may, the good news is, you can actually get your child off the claws of lies.

Here are healthy ways of altering lying habit in children:

  1. Cultivate a cordial relationship with your child
In order to successfully alter your child's lying habit, it’s advisable to cultivate a cordial relationship with him. The absence of a cordial relationship with your child can instigate the concept of hiding useful informations from you. Naturally, children are most comfortable with the idea of opening up to trusted individuals than people they aren’t comfortable with. What inspires their lie is the consciousness that they’ll be severely dealt with, once the truth is discovered.

Your relationship with your child should provide the assurance that revealing hidden informations to you will not result in losing your trust and affection. It will be rewarding if you assure him that you won’t be upset by the truth regarding his actions. Whenever your child opens up to you, instead of pinning blames on him, help him understand the consequences of his behavior as well as educating him on urgent need to break ties with such behavior. As a quick follow up, hail his bravery with regard to the truth.

 2. Make yourself a clear example
Children are specifically good at observing the behaviors of their parent. You happen to be your child’s primary and most direct influence, and so, beseeching him to be truthful at all times while you forbid doing same, will be counter productive. He can choose to lie comfortably owing to the fact that you are into it too. If you must succeed in altering the habit of lying in your child, practicing what you preach is mandatory.
 3. Avoid labeling your child a liar  
The consequences of labels includes, though, not limited to robbing a child of healthy self esteem; it’s even capable of exposing his dignity to avoidable invasion. Because he lacks the ability to wrestle with the consequences of this label, a child may chose to accept the situation he finds himself and consequently settle comfortably with the notion that he is actually a liar. It's advisable to concentrate on bringing out the best in your child than labeling him.

 4. Match each lie with punishments
You just can’t keep sparing the rod in order to be labeled a good parent. It’s extremely essential to match your child’s lie with corresponding punishments. The essence here is to discourage the idea of lying. If your child’s lies aren’t matched with a befitting punishment, how do you intend to impede him from lying? How will he understand your position regarding lies? It’s your responsibility to discipline your child so his life can be perfectly shielded from the consequences of lying.

5. Acquaint your child with the relegation that's associated with lies
Your child must be aware of the verity that people with lying habit doesn’t have a place in the midst of well cultured individuals. You must let him know that with time, he’ll be rejected everywhere unless he breaks ties with the habit of lying.
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Frankly, the habit of lying can stain a child permanently, but it’s possible to evade this by altering it on time. 

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