Saturday 11 July 2015

How to keep your Kids Safe at School

                                 Image courtesy of photostock/FreeDigitalPhotos.net 

That school is our children’s second home is stating the obvious. A couple of very strange and unpleasant experiences awaits our children at school every day and they mostly run into these things unarmed. As parent, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your children are safe at school. It’s imperative to comprehend that certain disguised threats in school can effortlessly rob your child of intrinsic willingness to study, and so, keeping an eye on these threats is however crucial. 

It can be a terrible experience for a child to be in trouble when mom isn’t there to provide the usual shield. Your kid may not be as flippant as narrating his humiliations in school every day, but, have you ever probed the quality of care you’ve been leaving him with? It’s however true that you can’t always be there to provide the needed protection, but here are rewarding ways you can keep your kids safe in school.

        1.   Ask probing questions about his day
Asking probing questions about your child’s day can reveal quite on time, vital informations that will enable you impede the prevalence of unpleasant realities. Despite their negative experiences in school, some children flings them to the wind as soon as their day in school is over. There exist also, children with uncommon ability to comment on every event that took place in school without being asked. If your child falls into this category, fine!

But, for the child who is not good at recalling as well as telling you about what happened and what didn’t happened in school, the cheapest way to know what happened is to keep an eye on red flags like torn clothes and books, his countenance, loss of appetite and inability to sleep peacefully. Endeavor to always ask probing questions about your child’s day in school and always remember to make it fun rather than being stern in order to avoid a situation of scaring him unintentionally.

        2. Ensure your kids can recite your contact information unaided
     In order to keep your child safe at school, it’s vital to ensure that he is well capable of providing your contact information unaided. Some emergencies demands contacting a child’s parent without any waste of time and your child’s ability to provide your contact information will certainly impede the prevalence of unpleasant situation. A child must know his full name, his or her parent’s phone number and address.
     Nonetheless, knowing his full name and your contact information isn’t enough, a child must be able to make available these informations without contacting his school bag, ensure he crams them. Also, providing your child a cell phone can go a long way in keeping him safe in school. He should be made to understand that the actual reason of giving him the cell phone is to enable him reach you as swift as possible if he gets into any trouble.

        3. Be properly acquainted with the safety arrangements of your child’s school
     A stitch in time saves nine. Acquaintance with the safety and emergency arrangements of your child’s school can help nip expected and unexpected negative occurrences in the bud. Ask probing questions in order to reap satisfactory answers about involvement of the state security in the security arrangement of the school. Sniff around the entire safety plans and know how safe your child is.

        4. Monitor your child’s interaction on social media
     If your child’s school fall into the category of schools who provides access to internet, inquire of the schools protections regarding their pupil’s/student’s use of the internet. It’s important for them to monitor student’s use of the internet as well as denying student’s access to corrupt websites. Ensure you discuss this with the authority of your child’s school.  

Most children may sincerely discuss their activities online with their parent, but what exactly will eventually become of those who lies constantly about what they've been doing online? Frankly, it’s imperative to inquire of the protection arrangements in your child's school.

        5. Don’t write your child’s name anywhere around him
     Writing your child’s name on his uniform, school bag, or even pinning it on his cloth is such a dangerous thing to do. Terrific abductors can take advantage of this and call a child by his name in order to get his attention and consequently lie to him about being your friend. It’s very possible for a child to be vulnerable to this temptation and consequently succumb to the antics of abductors. As a rule, don’t write your child’s name anywhere around him.

        6. Acquaint your child with resistance strategies
     It’s however essential to be cautious about what you teach a child today, because he will never depart from it. As kids, we received conflicting advice from our parents regarding troubles in school. Our mom instructed us to always run away from trouble, she even took a stern stand against fights and retaliations quite like some mothers (presumably). On the contrary, Dad was always instructing us to repel attacks from our peers by threatening them and even putting up a fight if need be.
     As we grew, i discovered that Dad was right. He taught us not to pick up fights with innocent people except people who try to invade us. In my personal observation, the troublesome students took notice of our forte in repelling invasions and avoided us like a plague while others who preferred running for cover were made a permanent target. Teach your child to repel attacks from his peers instead of always running for cover. 
     Even adults avoid fellow adult who doesn’t blink in the face of trouble. I know of a couple of friends who where always running for cover then, today, they’ve all grown, married with kids, yet, they are still running for cover whenever they find themselves in trouble. You can’t do these to your child.

Ensuring the safety of your kids while in school is one of your many indebtedness regarding them. The gains of their safety will range from shielding their focus against unnecessary interruptions to overwhelming academic success.


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