1 Abduction: Smart Ways of Protecting Your Kids | PARENTING ADVICE

Thursday 9 July 2015

Abduction: Smart Ways of Protecting Your Kids

Abduction: Smart Ways of Protecting Your Kids From Abductors

Impeding abductors from gaining access to your kids requires persistent vigilance owing to the fact that they are usually closer than anyone's imagination. In view of recent developments, we can safely embrace the fact that the traditional way of protecting our kids against abductors is sadly outdated. They've taken many progressive steps to ease their operations, in this regard; the safety of our kids is currently threatened.
Parents must step up, yes, it’s possible! No particular description fits an abductor, their trade isn’t written on their faces, but they are everywhere, quite close, yet unknown to you. Sadly, most abductors are people we have huge regards for, not knowing what they do in secret. It’s essential to note that most abductors are too smart to the extent that children (their prey) are no more abducted with the aid of a gun or physical coercion; rather, they now pick up kids with sophisticated ideas that are quite capable of shielding their operation from public suspicion.
Here are smart ways of protecting your kids from abductors:

    1.   Teach your kids how to escape danger when you aren’t around
Kids do run into trouble when their parent isn’t anywhere close, and so, it’s essential to teach them how to escape when you aren’t close enough to help. Teach your child to always yell and run into a public office or a nearby shop whenever he or she is threatened or attacked by a stranger. Note that not all strangers are abductors, and so, you shouldn’t teach your kids to avoid all strangers.

  2.   It’s your responsibility to receive visitors not theirs
Most children prides in jumping at the door as soon as the door bell rings. Waiting for you to check who the visitor is, is currently a taboo to some kids. At times they even communicate comfortably with a total stranger as if they’ve met before. It’s such a dangerous thing to do. Instruct your kids to cease from opening the door to strangers or neighbors who comes to seek help when you aren’t around, your child must be made to understand that it’s solely your responsibility to receive visitors not his.

   3.   Teach your kids to reject gift from strangers
Most abductors don’t abduct their prey using weapons; rather, they lure them with unsolicited gifts. Make it clear to your child that abductors are closer than he thinks. He must be made to understand that unsolicited gift from strangers constitute a smart way of luring him into their snare. Admonish your kids to always reject unsolicited gift with all amount of seriousness.

   4.   Teach your kids to reject help from strangers
Abductors can be as smart as talking your child into believing that you sent them to help pick him up. If for any reason, you wish to send someone to pick your kids up, they should be a password. Give your child a password whereby a stranger must recite before following him. This may be funny, but quite effective in the sense that it’s capable of impeding predators from abducting your child. It’s essential to note that your preferred password must be common and funny such that a child can hardly forget.

   5.   Teach your kids to always deny strangers chances of further discussions with them
There exist also, abductors whose forte includes brain washing a child within seconds. Your child may not be as clever as outsmarting this type of abductor owing to his weak ability. When a child comes in contact with such abductor, the safest thing to do is walking away while saying”No”. Teach your child to always deny strangers chances of further discussions. You can even rehearse with your child at home. While walking away, should a stranger keeps following him, teach your child to shout and run into a nearby shop or public office.

   6.   Monitor your child’s activities online

Most abductors operate online, and it’s certainly a cheap means of luring your child to their snare. Don’t even think of impeding his access to the internet because he’ll always fine his way. Ensure your child has unimpeded access to the internet at home so you can effectively monitor his or her activities online. Ensure also that the computer isn’t positioned in your child’s room or any place that is comfortable for him; rather, position it where everyone can easily have access to.

Here are security apps that can help you check your child’s activities online:
Sincerely, it’s possible to deny abductors access to your child, but persistent vigilance is encouraged owing to their smartness. 

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