1 How to Keep Your Kids Safe on Social Media | PARENTING ADVICE

Friday 10 July 2015

How to Keep Your Kids Safe on Social Media

Abduction: How to Keep Your Kids Safe From Social Media
                          Image courtesy of Clare Bloomfield/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Abduction is fast becoming more successful online now than ever. Quite like those beautiful dreams that comes unsought, social media has become an undeniable part of our lives and of course, that of our children. It’s an established fact that social media has successfully reduced the communication rigors we were initially subjected to, but it’s essential to understand also that it’s fast becoming a cheap way of constituting nuisance to kids. 

The total number of hours spent by our kids on social media per day is alarming, the information they’ve been sharing and of course, who they’ve been sharing with, remains a disguised threat to them though they don’t look at it this way. Clever abductors are now using social media to lure kids to their trap with the help of irresistible lies and gifts. These abductors may be closer to your kids than you can imagine and the question is: how safe are your kids?

Here are useful tips on keeping your kids safe on social media.

        1. Acquaint your kids with disguised dangers of social media
Smart predators are now taking advantage of social media to gain access to their prey. Owing to their inability to suspect and resist these smart abductors, children can easily be reached and brain washed without the knowledge of their parent. In this regard, it’s your responsibility to get your kids properly acquainted with disguised dangers on social media. 

Don't only acquaint them with the fact that abductors are on rampage, ensure they also comprehend that sharing certain informations about themselves with strangers online is really a dangerous thing to do. Warn them about sharing informations regarding their location with strangers online as well as receiving unsolicited gift from them. It’s how ever important to let kids know that most of what there are told online are lies aimed at taking advantage of them.

       2. Furnish yourself with profound knowledge about social media

In order to keep your kids safe on social media, having a profound knowledge about how social media works, is imperative. You are expected to know the specific sites your kids are using as well as having accounts on those sites so you can effectively monitor their activities online.

       3. Put their internet usage uncheck
To enable you check what your kids are doing online, ensure the computer isn’t positioned in their room, instead, keep it where you can have easy access to what’s going on. You can even block their access to sites you deem unsafe. Nonetheless, use social media monitoring tools to monitor what they are doing online. 

'Safekidspro' is a fantastic monitoring tool that’s capable of monitoring both their twitter and facebook accounts, it can analyze both the twitter and facebook accounts of your child and detect contents with corrupt intentions like sex and drugs. 

It can also acquaint you with informations regarding photos sent by your child as well as the ones he receives from strangers online. Another beautiful thing about safekidspro is its ability to provide information about a particular activity, e.g abduction attempt on your child. You can add up to 8 social media accounts for monitoring. 

       4. Keep an eye on the privacy settings of your child’s account online
Rapid changes now abound on social media, in view of this; it’s advisable to keep an eye on the privacy settings of your child’s account. Talk them into rejecting friend request from total strangers. Their privacy settings should impede strangers from posting text or pictures on their timeline. 

Ensure the password of your child’s social media account isn't hidden from your knowledge. Unhindered access to his account is crucial in the sense that you need to login punctually in order to see the messages he’s been receiving from friends. A lot of negativities are prevailing on social media, so, in order to keep your child safe, keeping an eye on his account is advisable.

Frankly, breaking ties between your child and abductors on social media can be tasking, especially if the child you are trying to protect isn’t cooperating. But, sustained monitoring of his activities off and online will go a long way in shielding him from abductors.

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