1 How to Keep Your Kids Safe at Home | PARENTING ADVICE

Friday 10 July 2015

How to Keep Your Kids Safe at Home

How to Keep Your Kids Safe at Home

                                     Image courtesy of khunaspix/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If left unchecked, your home can constitute a source of fatal injury and death to your children. How safe are your kids at home? There exist several potential promoters of accidents in your home and it’s your responsibility to ensure that your children are carefully protected. An ideal home is supposed to be safe enough for children, it's a place they aren’t supposed to sustain avoidable injury; a wrong place to lose their life; a place to experience unmatched affection and comfort, but contrary to these, some homes are sadly unsafe for kids.

Losing your kid to the cold hands of death or watching him scream with pains emanating from a terrible injury can be a terrible experience. To impede these, here are guaranteed ways of keeping your kids safe at home.

         1. Ensure naked wires are properly covered
While playing around the house, kids hardly take into consideration, the consequences of touching a naked wire. Some of them don’t even know how dangerous it is, so, grabbing it carelessly is very possible and a child may experience a terrible shock that may result in death. In order to ensure the safety of your child at home, it’s imperative to see to it that electric wires aren’t kept naked. Also, stretch as far as you can to keep your kids far from appliances with electric currents.

         2. Ensure your kids aren’t careless with pets
     Pets are well capable of constituting unpredictable nuisance at home. Teach your kids to be very careful with the pets you have at home. When pets are subjected to unfavorable conditions, they can attack anybody just to defend themselves. Teach your kids to refrain from the habit of playing with a pet when it’s eating or breast feeding her baby. 
     Quite like humans, mood swing occurs in pets, in this regard, you are expected to align your children with the concept of always staying away from pets when they bare their fangs. If you have pets with violent history, ensure they are caged while the kids are playing. Nonetheless, leaving kids with pets in the absence of an adult can be disastrous, don’t fail to cage them.
        3. Ensure your wardrobe is always locked
     Kids can be questionably careless at times, so, keeping an eye on them is essential. Maureen parks (an avid photographer) said her kids where playing at home and one of them ran into the wardrobe to hide from her siblings, spotting her, Shirley, one of her kids, playfully locked her elder sister in and forgot.
     While she and other kids where playing outside, Maureen luckily arrived home, and while trying to change her clothe, she discovered that the wardrobe was unusually locked, as she unlocked it, Henrietta (her eldest daughter) who was mistakenly locked in by her younger sister had fainted.
     In order to keep your kids safe at home, endeavor to always lock your wardrobe and put away the keys. Ensure also that the wardrobe in your kid’s room can’t be locked. Discard big boxes that are no longer useful. Lock your water tanks and drain your swimming pool so kids won’t jump in and drown in your absence.

        4. Ensure sharp and dangerous items are kept out of your children’s reach
     Children’s curiosity has always been the key promoter of their woes, but with you around, they should be neatly protected. Ensure dangerous objects like razor blade, knife, rings, needles, and keys are kept far from your children’s reach. Nonetheless, if you are operating a workshop at home, ensure your kids aren’t left there all alone; lock your workshop before leaving home.
     Ensure also, that your workshop doors are locked even when you are around the house but out of the workshop. Curious kids can be very swift. Never leave your kids alone at the kitchen, they are well capable of mistakenly injuring themselves with knife or other sharp objects. They may unintentionally set the whole house ablaze by putting on the gas. As a rule, ensure the kitchen and other rooms that aren’t ok for kids are always locked.

        5. Hide household products from them
     That kids usually mistake household products for food is stating the obvious. They can easily be deceived by a product's container or sachet at times. Insecticides, detergents, and other chemicals are certainly poisonous and should be kept far from the reach of children. These products are used in every household and from my observation; they are usually stored in cupboards.
     Ensure that the cupboard containing these products is locked always. Smart kids can swallow a chemical at home without your knowledge and late discovery may even result in death. Hide household products from your kids.

        6. Ensure your kids aren’t left all alone at the bathroom.
     Undoubtedly, kids derive profound pleasure in playing with water and this same water can pose enormous risk on them. Don’t leave your child all alone at the bathroom while attending to other things. In your absence, a child can carelessly open up hot water on himself and consequently sustain severe burns or even drown himself. 
     Once you’re done bathing your baby, take him out of the bathroom, if your attention is sought while bathing your baby, endeavor to take him with you. Naturally, children lack the ability to survive should water get above their head. Leaving a child all alone at the bathroom is undoubtedly dangerous, don’t try it.

Bluntly, allowing your home to be a source of injury and death to your kids is the height of parental carelessness. It’s your responsibility to promote a safe home for your kids, so, do it with extreme care.

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