1 Bullying: Efficient Ways of Protecting Your Kids | PARENTING ADVICE

Friday 10 July 2015

Bullying: Efficient Ways of Protecting Your Kids

Bullying: Efficient Ways of Protecting Your Kids

                               Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/FreeDigitaPhotos.net


Bullying is by all standards, a major threat to children’s growth and development. Unknown to parents, bullied children can be coerced to series of trauma ranging from low self esteem to depression and possibly, suicide. Also, a child who is sustainably bullied in school without the protection of the school authority can at a point lose interest in school despite his parent’s effort to reconcile his interest with education.

This of course, can either lead to poor grades or other unpleasant realities. Findings reveal that some children stretch as far as patronizing different forms of hard drugs in order to boast their ability to resist bullies. Leaving your child at the mercy of a bully is certainly a terrible thing to do. I’m sure you won’t like what he’ll become while trying to protect himself all alone, so, to impede the prevalence of terrible changes, you are encouraged to jump in and help before it’s too late.

Here are effective ways of protecting him:

          1.   Be aware of the situation
It’s important to know what transpired between your child and the bully first and foremost. Sometimes bullying may occur as a result of your child’s aggression against a disguise bully. It may also be a deliberate act of humiliation perpetrated on your child with regards to no tangible reasons. It’s really essential to be aware of the situation before swinging into action.

Bullying springs in many different ways and the common ones are: punching, kicking and pushing. A child can also be bullied verbally through name calling, but the worst form of bullying is spreading negative rumors about a child in order to tarnish his image as well as barring him from the comity of friends. In order to protect your child from being bullied, you are expected to be aware of the type of bullying you child is facing.

          2.   Talk sense into him

     Your child isn’t too frail to survive bullying attempts on him, so, the idea of fortifying him with the right mentality will go a long way in shielding him against bullies. Endeavor to make it clear to your child that it’s impossible to ridicule him without his consent; he must also be made to understand that bullying exists. Acquaint him with all forms of bullying ranging from punching, teasing to negative rumors. 
     A clear understanding about these things before experiencing them will place him in a better position to resist bullying attempts on him. You won’t be there to protect him always, so, talking sense into him will arm him quite enough to protect himself in your absence.

         3.   Acquaint him with resistance tips
     In my personal observation, bullies tend to avoid children with intrinsic ability to resist bullying attempts. The weak ones are their main target. My little niece enjoys a wealth of peace at their crèche owing to her ability to resist any attempt aimed at taking undue advantage of her.
     Among adults for example, i personally observe that people seem to avoid the idea of constituting any form of nuisance to people with track records of repelling intimidation. Teaching your child to always run for cover as a result of attacks mainly from his peers is such a weak idea. Habits die hard, if you teach a child to be weak, he or she may grow up with that mentality.
     Teach your child to resist intimidation attempts on him by his peer as well as reporting bullying attempts on him by someone older than him to the right authority. Also, if he’s faced with verbal bullying like name calling and comments aimed at ridiculing him, teach your children to talk back. 
     Name calling is usually aimed at ridiculing a victim, so, instead of retiring soberly to a corner while the bullies are having a filled day, talking back can effortlessly strangle their aim. Your child must not be encouraged to always cry home to tell you what his peers did to him. He must learn to repel attacks on him henceforth.

         4.   Express your displeasure
     If your child complains about persistent attack on him in school or around the neighborhood, get to know the perpetrators and consequently express your displeasure over their attacks on your child. If it’s in school, draw the schools attention to the trend and express your readiness to take action if the situation isn’t arrested.
     People tend to be much more careful with children whose parents are always ready to bare their fangs with regards to maltreatment perpetrated on their children. Be persistently at alert and swiftly call to order, any intentional act of brutality regarding your child. 
          5.   Take action
     If your numerous warnings tend to fall on deaf ears, employing the service of a lawyer must be considered. At times the hard way seems to be the best way of bringing to an end, unfavorable situation aimed at discomforting an individual. Who knows? Employing the service of a lawyer may stretch as far as rescuing other children from the bondage of bullying.

Bluntly, bullying must be sternly frowned at, owing to its enormous disadvantages in a child’s life. It must not be allowed to co – exist with our children, so, endeavor to bare your fangs should need spring.

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